A 3D model is a three-dimensional figure that is created using a special program. If a few years ago, such technologies were considered a novelty, now everything has changed. The word “3D model” no longer scares people, and many people want to learn more about the features of 3D modeling.
This process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are several stages in 3D modeling, which may differ depending on what the prototype of the future figure is. Drawings, photographs, and even real objects can be used to create it.
The method of modeling using drawings is considered the simplest. Drawings for 3D modeling are special design documentation that contains all the necessary information about the object. At the same time, the data is presented in sufficient detail, with all the necessary nuances indicated. The drawing must contain the following data about the object:
- design features;
- dimensions, parameters;
- materials.
At the same time, it is important to understand that one-sided drawings are not suitable for 3D modeling. The design documentation must contain clear information about at least three sides of the object (front, top, side). Otherwise, it will not be possible to recreate the object as realistically as possible.
If you are working on creating a 3D model from a drawing or plan to order its production in a specialized center, you should pay attention to all the details that the prototype has. You can familiarize yourself with the method of its manufacture, features of its use, and individual fragments. The more information you learn, the higher the guarantee that the 3D model will be identical to the original.